Building a Docker Container for a Golang Application with Go Modules

In this video, we learn how to build a Docker container for a Golang application using Go modules. We start by setting up Go modules to efficiently manage application dependencies. Then, we make necessary changes to package names and create a Dockerfile to build the Docker image. Next, we initialize the module for the application, update package names, and create a go.mod file to declare external libraries and a go.sum file to download dependencies. After making a few changes to the application, we create the Dockerfile by specifying the base Golang image, setting the working directory, copying required files, setting environment variables, building the application, and specifying the command to run the server. Finally, we build the Docker image and run the container. We test the application and verify that it is working.

Lastly, we stop the container and conclude the video by reminding viewers to download the Golang Cheat Sheet.

Thank you for watching!

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