Container Storage in Docker

Understanding storage is critical to be able to use Docker containers effectively. Storage in Docker works by adding a writeable layer to the container using the union file system. The writeable layer allows both existing and new data to be stored within the container. The writeable layer is unique to each container and is linked to the container's lifecycle. Tmpfs is a temporary storage option in Docker that uses memory in the Docker Host. It is fast but not persistent or shareable between containers. Bind mounts allow folders on the host file system to be accessed by containers and can be shared between multiple containers. However, bind mounts require a specific folder structure on the host, reducing portability. Volumes are storage accessible to containers and are managed by Docker. They can be moved between containers and exist outside the lifecycle of a container. Care must be taken with file locking when multiple containers access the same volume. This is just an overview of container storage in Docker, and you will have the opportunity to explore it further in the course.

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