Containers: Lightning fast, portable, isolated environments

Containers are lightning fast, portable, isolated environments that can be created in mere moments. They are quicker to spin up and less resource intensive than virtual machines. Containers emulate a minimal file system and share the host's kernel, allowing developers to work in multiple environments without compromising their local machines. Containers also eliminate the 'it works on my machine' problem by providing the same environment wherever they run. Docker is a popular container platform that allows developers to create and run containers. Container images are built with overlapping layers, allowing custom images to be extended from previous ones. Dockerfiles are used to specify commands and generate changes to the image. Multiple containers can be run from a single image without affecting each other. Containers can be published to a container registry and deployed as standalone units on modern cloud platforms. Container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes enable the creation of container-based clouds, providing more control over deployment.

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