Containers and Docker

In this part of the course, the author covers two main topics: container architecture and the high-level benefits of containers. Containers and Docker are similar at a high level, but there are key differences. While virtual machines (VMs) require individual guest operating systems, containers share a host operating system, making them lighter and more efficient. Containers are super lightweight, can be densely packed, and started/restarted quickly. However, containers can be impacted by other containers on the same host. Containers were created to fix an application shipping problem, where an application worked on a developer's machine but not in production. Containers hold an application and all of its necessary components, making it easy to ship and ensuring consistent functionality across different environments.


That's a summary of the main points covered in this part of the course. Containers and Docker offer advantages over VMs in terms of efficiency and consistency in application deployment. Thank you for watching!

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