Hey, guys. How are you? This is Daniel Pinheiro from danielpm1982.com and I'm here to invite you to my new course at Udemy called Docker for Beginners a hands on practice course. So as the title suggests, this is a heavily practice-base course in which we are going to learn everything about the very basics of docker since the beginnings all about its syntax, all about its objects, and how you can do to create and deploy your applications in different containers. How to publish those Containers. to Docker Hub, which is the Docker Cloud platform in which you can publish all your work there for others to reuse it as well. You can reuse others as well, extending those into your own images as well as in your own containers. So this course is basically for those who have zero knowledge about Docker or eventually may have used it (before), although in a very limited way without exactly knowing its syntax and even the basics about its objects. So we'll learn everything about images, about containers, as well as about how to configure ports volumes and networks, how to use multiple containers, how to manage containers and images, how you can, for example, use Docker compose to better run those containers, how one application deployed at one container can communicate to another application running in another container and so on. We'll start with very basic Java applications, how to dockerize them and publish that to Docker Hub, later. We'll start also using springboot real world applications connected to MySQL databases, all running in their respective independent containers and connecting those containers through Docker networks. All the content will be detailed in the PDF document and the description of this video as well as at Udemy course page. And in case you wanna contact me, be my guest, all my personal info is published at Udemy platform as well as at my LinkedIn. So I hope this course can be very useful for you. I hope you learn a lot with it. God bless and see you there. Bye bye.