This is the only course that teaches Node.js developers the best ways to use their Docker skills to take their Node apps to the next level. I'm Bret Fisher. Let me take two minutes to tell you what's in this course and why you need it. I designed this course to turn your Docker skills up to 11 and use the best that container's have to offer to improve your Node apps in development, test, and production. There are so many reasons why you would want to use Docker with your Node.js apps which is why Docker was voted by 90,000 developers as their number one most-wanted platform on Stack Overflow in 2019. Once you know the basics of Docker and Node.js, this course includes everything you need to improve your Node environments and workflows in containers. You can give more details on topics in this course in the next video. If you haven't taken one of my courses before, get ready to learn in more ways than just lecture videos. I give you plenty of assignments supplemental reading, and you'll get access to course forums, a Slack chat for students, weekly YouTube live chats with me, and more. Students have bought over 100,000 of my Docker courses and I've taught over 5,000 people at conferences and workshops on Docker related topics over the last 5 years. I've been a sysadmin and developer for over 20 years. I'm a docker captain, and in 2018 I was honored onstage at DockerCon with a leadership award for well... Basically doing this. But don't take my word for it, just look at all these 5-star ratings from my other courses. My team and I go out of our way to ensure you get the best learning possible and I also get lots of great reviews on Twitter where students love to show off their certificate of completion for my courses. I hope you'll take a look at the sample videos to see the quality of content and you'll also look at the benefits list for what comes along with this course. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the course.