- [Instructor] Hello and welcome to this virtual programmer's course, where we will be exploring Docker. It's going to be Docker with particular attention to how it might affect any developer working on or around the Java virtual machine. This course is in two separate modules, and the first module that you're watching now is going to be covering the basics, so if you've never worked with Docker before, then this is the module for you. We're going to be starting from nothing and by the end of this module, you'll be able to manage images, run containers, build your own containers and we'll be looking at how a Spring Boot application might be Dockerized. And of course I'll be explaining why you would want to use Docker. So that will be the basics and that's really what anyone working with Docker will need to know. But the second module on this course, which is going to follow on from this, will get more serious and we will be turning our attention to more of those topics that you need for production Docker use in a Java environment. We're going to be deploying a full microservice architecture using the very powerful Docker Swarm. And we'll see how complex multi-instance deployments can be relatively easily managed using something called Docker Stacks. If you've already studied our previous microservice deployment course, while it was a great course and there was a lot of really good information on it, about how to use things like the Netflix toolkit, Ansible, Jenkins and some quite advanced work on Amazon web services, which was all great stuff, I'm really proud of that course but wow, it was a complicated course. And it wasn't really hard work for the viewer of the course because on that course we're constantly starting and stopping ec2 instances. Even though all of that was scripted, there was still a lot of management work to do. And that's going to be one of the many things that Docker can help you with. So the second module of this course is going to be looking at how to use Docker to tame things. And the end goal of that second module is that with just one single command line, your entire microservice architecture is deployed to a cluster of instances. And we'll let Docker worry about the nasty details of which instance each of your microservices are deployed to. It's really amazing and powerful. But I'm getting ahead of myself, really, I'm just previewing there what's going to come in the second module. This course is the first module, and we're doing the basics, but I hope it will still be fun. The first job of course is we need to get a good understanding of what Docker is and what it's all about. So, join me in the next chapter and we'll look at what is Docker.