0:00 Hey guys, this is Atul from team Ktonacademy and recording this short quick video to invite you for a free class that I am doing on mastering Kubernetes, Docker and DevOps in order to or how to build this in-demand skill and then a high-paying job. 0:19 So I will quickly cover what to expect in this free class and I will probably share the link or probably invite you if you are into. 0:24 So we'll first I'll cover the learning path in this. 0:32 It's a 12 week learning path will give you the step by step instructions or module week wise what you should be learning including the 35 plus hands on lab or 30 plus hands on lab that you should be performing in order to become an expert in Docker and Kubernetes. 0:47 We'll also talk about the project work. That you should be doing in order to prepare and put in a CV if you're going for the Docker DevOps Kubernetes role. 0:59 Now this is the complete agenda, but let me explain one by one what we're going to cover in this. So I'll begin with how the development and deployment process started, what is the DevOps, what exactly and why we need these DevOps. 1:13 I'll quickly briefly touch base about DevOps complete lifecycle. Then we'll talk about difference between monolithic and microservices. We'll also look at what does it mean by containers and microservices, and also the background of containers. 1:27 And we'll talk about one of the most common container which is Docker. Then after that, we'll talk about container orchestration that initiated the Kubernetes world. 1:37 What are the common orchestration engines that you can expect. We'll briefly touch base about Kubernetes and OpenShift because these are the two main common container orchestration tools. 1:46 We'll also talk about briefly difference between the various components that might confuse where these containers and Kubernetes, bare metal virtual machines are coming. 1:55 So once you understand the basic overview about this, then we'll go look at, understand why you must learn Docker and Kubernetes or containers and Kubernetes. 2:04 If you have not started, highly recommend you. And if you're already working, then maybe some of the advanced things that you should be learning, the history and background of Kubernetes and why companies are using these Kubernetes. 2:15 Was that done or maybe important point is jobs? That's why that's how I started back in 2016-17 on DevOps and Kubernetes World or 2018-2019. 2:24 Is when I actually started on Kubernetes before that DevOps world on that. Then I'm going to also bring an expert who is a Kubernetes expert and DevOps expert, will do a hands-on lab or hands-on demo where we explain the CI CD process, but within that CI CD process, I'm going to talk about the expert 2:44 is going to talk about what does a Docker file look like, what are the components of Docker file, and then how do you create a Docker image from that file. 2:52 And from that using image. How do you start the container? So we'll look at that. So briefly touch base about this is an example We have to look about Docker file and he'll explain all the Docker file as well Then we'll show you how to run the containers and then the pod which is nothing but pod inside 3:07 what that pod means as well We'll be talking about that as well. So we'll actually deploy some Contain or pods which is nothing but containers inside the Kubernetes we'll see how it behaves. 3:19 It's going to be very, very interesting deployment model. We usually get excellent five-star rate of feedback on these sessions. So I think 100% confident the time you're going to spend with me and our expert, it's well worth in the timeframe. 3:33 We always get excellent reviews on these free classes. Usually most of the feedbacks are five, one or two here and there may be four as well. 3:42 Pilot reviews as well. Also, if you're looking forward for preparing your CV interview prep or if struggling to get a job, we'll give you some tips as well. 3:51 And as I said, everything which I'm going to talk about is being tried and tested both in terms of certification, whether it's a CK, CKD or CKS or any other certification, including hundreds and hundreds of guys who have not only cleared the certificate. 4:05 But it get a job as well. So very quickly for those who don't know me, I have 23 years experience this my 23rd year in IT. 4:13 I've helped 10,000 plus or 12,000 plus individuals like you now if you look at the title, helping on multi-cloud DevOps and Kubernetes. 4:21 And we'll talk a little bit about me on the actual session if you don't know me. But if you're interested on this class about mastering Kubernetes, Docker, and DevOps in order to build a scale, at this highly paying scale, and how to get a job. 4:36 This is the agenda which I'm going to cover, which I would love if you're interested. Leave a comment here. I think probably, and my team will, let me know how many of you are interested. 4:46 And based on that probably, I'll be doing this class maybe next one or two days as well. And if you're watching a, this video in future and if I've already done that, my team will reply with the URL that you can use to register for this free class. 5:02 It's absolutely free and I think probably roughly around, I'm hoping probably around 60, 65 or 90 minutes, somewhere between 60 to 90 minutes is free class. 5:12 So come with a lot of learning and if you have any questions, bring them as well. Also apart from this agenda if you want me to cover something else, leave that as well under comment section. 5:22 With that, this is Atul. Thanks for listening and thanks for watching and I'll see you soon in this free class. 5:27 Leave the comment for me.