Assalamualaikum warohmatullohi wabarokatuh On this occasion I will introduce to friends about docker swarm But before watching this video for friends who haven't subscribed please subscribe first, click like and turn on the bell so friends don't miss the next tutorials to facilitate the friends in understanding about Docker swarm, here I show images in the system of traditional mode so friends can meihat difference between the traditional fashion by a swarm mode and also the advantages of a docker swarm compared to the traditional mode in a system of traditional if friends If you have 3 web or application instances running on 3 servers, you need an external load balancer. To distribute traffic to the 3 servers and how to deploy the application, you have to upload it to the 3 servers or run docker on each. the server Well, the difference with docker swarm, if you use it i docker swarm, to deploy your application, just deploy it in the manager. Later, the manager will distribute or replicate your application to the workers in the docker swarm or to the manager itself according to the number of replicas that you already have. friends define And 1 advantage of docker swarm is that there is an internal load-balancer feature. So, each node can function as a load-balancer so that you don't need an external load-balancer anymore. For example, if we create a web service that publishes to port 8080 with 2 replicas of Replica the first running on node1, the second on node2 So, we can access it from any node When a request to node1 is on port 8080 Then, the request will be load-balanced to the web container on node1 nor node2 Likewise if we access port 8080 on node2 and node 3 Even though on node3 there is no web replica running there But still, if the request goes to node3 on port 8080 then request The st will be load-balanced to the web replicas on node1 and on node2 So each node can function as a load-balancer So what is a docker swarm? docker swarm is an orchestration feature owned by the docker engine, it is a cluster consisting of a docker host or called a node , each node can have a role as a manager or worker among the docker swarm features, the first is cluster management Yes course for Docker swarm is a cluster, the cluster must have its management which of the two is a declarative service model of meaning, "you tell swarm manager what you want, not what to do" So what you want. suppose you want a service with 2 replicas, port 8080 so it's not how to deploy it. that's the docker manager's business. The third thing is scaling. So, your services can be scaled freely, you want to scale-up to any extent according to the available resources, of course. The fourth is service discovery. So, between services in the docker swarm, you can communicate with each other by mentioning the name of the service. Now, where is the service running? , what ip is it, you don't need to know the docker swarm that will resolve the ip The next feature is load balancing As I explained earlier that every node in the docker swarm can function as a load balancer and the last one is rolling updates so when there is an update in the deployment that is carried out, it is not updated as a whole, but the replicas are updated one by one