hi, greetings from the village, meet meh because I'm an egg some work Miss video times Ki I often do tutorials about doctors, yes it's a foreign cold Eh, I suggest that you try to make content related to work, if your child happens to be your first cake job, I'm involved in the role, so let me take care of me arepe often tutorial about doctors Neng tutorial sing first Eki we begin with the singing of the most basic of basic first yes Well install Docker direct water egg baseball have katkan immediately wrote out our video tutorial check it Oh [Music] Heeh want to install Docker we stayed just follow the prompts what's on the website substance docker.com flash maybe flash install here we can choose according to our platform I will demonstrate to install docker on linux , my favorite is Ubuntu, here we just choose the book and here are the OS requirements so it supports that's the most Hi old or the oldest it's Ubuntu version 18 serves Ok let's try Ubuntu Byonic Yes I will set up my server with OS Bionic 18 here so I'll have a fresh install later OK, I 'll make it on Amazon for the Ubuntu bionic server launching Stone launching stylesheet, we're looking for Ubuntu Hi Amen, extra from Ubuntu quarto server 18 okay, fretty free assemblies, razor blades Hi The pearl is Michael milk, Nose, you don't need to follow it. Our focus will be on the dry balance, for example, make sure my server is Hi porn, just mature, okay, e-learning system, home playing on Yes, I'm waiting for my server first, we'll go in there and let's install docker yes hi technical vps for dextrose feesbook Subhanallah Daihatsu Hey meme Ahok extrane we choose connect porn sportnet Ndah e-books hi hi Hey Ok now we connect to Nyi Roro Kidul dear consul e-cash Hi Ubuntu dad ok ok indeed Ubuntu is beautiful in detail There's no doctor at all, OK, now let's go back to following Hi, the instructions for installing the doctor on the website, ok, free download this snack first is and install the old version, so the presnyakov version is really new, right, we choose alms, we don't need to run then the real installation method selects install Using the repository, just so it's easy, we just copy and paste, copy paste, guys, it's really easy, basically Pororo phase OK the next step is O in the copy then we paste Telkomsel us Hi Dear hai oh it was too much and the next steps that originated it're living mengcopas Copas wrote I hope I around the paste again in the console [Music] hi okay Risna problem no problem then the next step is I miss the following Stable CH Hi daftaex Riko, who is the server here, these steps are waving republish [Musik] files copas Indonesia Hi Ho Hi, the next step is 20 toll Joker enzymes, so after the previous steps, this is AD the final skeptical theme -End of using Widya who is in Indonesia but then we will install the Sporting utilities that are needed for wheezing Install the doctor. After that, we add it because the doctor is too busy, just Carrefour, the gpking method, eh, Nikita, for example, CV Kidul, we don't have to do that. Hi, install Diponegoro. Hi, the output table from here is troublesome, so if you want to know what it's called, the quick way is if you do n't understand it's porn, Hi now install screen jinke get used to it after we add a new record we should always update first. That's for the head to activate the package that is in the good record, meet again, use the catalog, we don't update our software that has been sold No, it's the catalog package that is not active story Abdul yes [Music] hi okay Hi Strike we install the software hi hi Ok ok ma'am OK we'll paste it again at the porn consul Woi steer hi hi Okay we're done checking Is the doctor his brother's file system status Yes by one Joker photos share info about e -books doctor installed version of 09 1 m2 lounge the lounge Hai if we had run gokr mengg use sudo, if you want, what's the name of running rocker without it It can be porn Rp can't, now you can excuse me nyoklat All apples Mark my son why I ate my snack while that was Hi Ho Oh sorry my son asked Okay so this is because I'm a user we are in this case user should the Ubuntu did not have access to the Hai to be able to run programs fitting it does not provide access by adding manual Ubuntu into groups of this doctor usermod rose locker uh to Hai ah wear it should have been possible but must relogin first, so we locker then log in first if we don't log in can't Hi daroji Trilogy from diligent, exit hi eh doctor info j&t Hi, so we don't need to run the doctor again using sudo, because it was added earlier instead the tail is added to the doctor group Okay that's enough this tutorial helpful hopefully yes in the next tutorial we might Well ngebahas how do I register or dockerize a our application mugo-mugo is useful on track. Good luck greetings from the village